Building Business Credit for Your Home-Based Company

home-business credit

Building Business Credit for Your Home-Based Company If you have used your own funds to start a home-based business, you probably have a personal credit history. Your home’s mortgage, your personal credit cards, your auto loans, and similar consumer accounts…

Keeping Yourself Motivated and Productive

Keeping Yourself Motivated and Productive When you own a home-based business, it can be difficult to stay motivated. Without sufficient motivation, your productivity will suffer, and decreased productivity can severely impact your earnings. If you are having trouble motivating yourself,…

Tips for Retiring as a Nomad

Tips for Retiring as a Nomad Over the last few decades, an increasing number of people have chosen to live a nomadic existence instead of embracing the traditional, deep-rooted lifestyle. Although people of all ages can be found living out…

More Changes Coming to the USPS

More 2021 Changes Coming to the USPS The United States Postal Service has been in trouble for years. It has been losing money hand over fist, come under fire for its deals with Amazon and other online giants, and been…

Budget-Friendly Ways to Market Your Home-Based Business

Budget-Friendly Ways to Market Your Home-Based Business If your home-based business is to succeed, you will need to promote it so that potential customers can find you. This means that you need to create a marketing plan that will let…